Native Legend Tea

Too many of us do not have the slightest idea of how to maintain good health. When illness strikes, we rely on our doctors to cure us. What we fail to realise is the cure actually comes from within. Nature has provided us with a wondrous Immune System, and we have to take proper care of this inner healing force.

Our modern lifestyle has gotten us off the right track with fast food, junk food, processed food, drug dependencies, smoking and alcohol abuse, a polluted environment and high tech stress-load the body with impurities and overburden its eliminatory processes and gradually weakens our Immune System - our body becomes susceptible to all kinds of modern ailments.

Native Legend Tea is one of the best cleansers (Blood Purifier) and nourisher that are used to benefit the Immune System. It is wholesome and aids in strenghtening the body. It can reduce swelling around the joints and helps rid calcification deposits; it promotes liver functions to help clear the blood of harmful acids.

It also aids the pituitary gland in releasing an ample supply of protein to help adjust hormone balance in the body. It is said a poorly nourished pituitary gland is sometimes responsible for overweight. Native Legend Tea has the ability to neutralize stomach acidity and to absorb foul gases. It acts as a buffer against irritation and inflammation of the mucus membranes, and assists the activity of the adrenal glands which helps to send a stream of blood building substances through the system. It draws our impurities and heals all parts of the body.

This North American herbal recipe is a combination of herbs used for its remarkable wholesome benefits. It has a formula concocted of four natural herbs known as "essiac". Essiac (which is "Caisse" spelled backwards) is named after the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse who made it famous by treating cancer patients and struggling with the Canadian government to do so for over 60 years. The story of this mystical tea is one of amazing miracle cures. This formula consists of four common herbs (burdock root, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel and turkey rhubarb root) that are totally non-toxic. They are all either organically grown or wild-crafted. Each of these herbs is renowned for their healing properties. However, it appears to be the synergistic effect of the blended herbs that produces the amazing curative power.

As sick people throughout this country are seeking alternative treatments for illnesses, the native cure seems to be gaining in popularity. Those who have successfully treated themselves are the most fervent believers. Whether a native legend or a true miracle cure, this formula is nevertheless non-toxic and harmless.

Benefits & functions:

  • Arthritis: Helps with anti-inflammatory action, rheumatism, gout
  • Blood: Hypoglycemic action, cleanses and purifies blood very rapidly. Helps prevent blood acidity
  • Digestive: Externally to reduce hemorrhoids
  • Cancer: Burdock, one of the herbs used in the Essiac formula - Japanese scientists found a sustance in burdock that was capable of reducing cell mutation and also considerable anti-tumor activity
  • Immune: Nourishes the immune system
  • Liver: Has restorative powers for liver and gallbladder
  • Skin: Tea will clear all kinds of skin problems, such as boils, carbuncles, etc.
  • Tonic: Cleansing, purifying, detoxifying and soothing to the entire body.
  • Urinary: Strongly diuretic and diaphoretic. Helps prevent stone formation and fights infections.
The information contained in this website is general and not specific to any individual. It is only for reference and education purposes. Do not self-diagnose or attempt self-treatment for serious or long-term problems without first consulting a qualified practitioner, preferably one who is familiar with herbs and alternative medicine.

16 Dec, 2018 Update:
Although it has been years since I was last involved in Enrich, I continue to receive enquiries from people wanting to buy Enrich products. So, let me update my contact information. Please contact me here.

The following are my websites, as of 16 December, 2018:
  1. Penang Travel Tips
  2. Timothy Tye
  3. Timothy Property
  4. Happy Jobless Guy
  5. AnakPinang
  6. The Flowering Garden
14 Dec, 2011 Update:
I am no longer involved in the Enrich business, which is today known as Unicity (
Instead I am now a full time web author. Please visit my website at Timothy Tye.